Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Enjoying Halloween with SOU・SOU Shoes!!

Did everybody enjoy Halloween this year?? I was too lazy to come up with a costume idea and didn't dress up! :( But just for fun, I want to share pictures of NEW PEOPLE staff who did dress up and included their SOU SOU shoes in their costumes:

Rodrigo's theme was "Japanese construction worker". He even managed to find
the baggy pants they wear in Japan! The purple tabi boots and hardhat complete the look nicely!

In the second picture, we have Audri dressed up as a kitten. Check out her tail and ears! Sooo cute! She finished off her costume with our popular short tabi boots. . I never would have thought of that, but it's purrrfect!
皆様、今年は楽しいハロウィンを過ごされたでしょうか?私は最後までコスチュームのアイディアが浮かばず結局仮装せずじまいでした。。今回はNEW PEOPLEのスタッフがSOU・SOUの靴を履いて仮装していたのでその写真をお届けしようと思います。



By the way, I found these costumes at the costume store the other day..
I get Geisha, but what is "HARUJUKU CUTIE"????(they meant harajuku girls?)

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